+386(0)1 5800 500 info@zgnl.si

Trajanje projekta: 1. 9. 2015 – 1. 9. 2018

Project duration: 1. 9. 2015 – 1. 9. 2018


  • E1 – v Armeniji
  • E2 – na Portugalskem
  • E3 – v Sloveniji
  • E4 – Amsterdam


Projekt povezuje različne partnerske organizacije, z namenom, da bi povečal vključevanje ranljivih skupin v izobraževanje na področju zgodovine in državljanske vzgoje.

Glavni izzivi projekta so:

  1. premalo poudarka didaktiki učenja predmetov kot so zgodovina in državljanska vzgoja za osebe s posebnimi potrebami
  2. učitelji teh predmetov niso usposobljeni za poučevanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami
  3. ni izobraževalnega portala, na katerem bi ti učitelji lahko delili svoje izkušnje ter pridobili potrebne vire za širjenje svojega znanja

Projekt bo v treh letih poskušal čim bolj odgovoriti na vse omenjene izzive.


“Strategies for Inclusion – Making high quality history and citizenship education more inclusive and accessible” connects practice to policy across countries, sectors and disciplines to provide solutions to address the challenge of inclusion in history and heritage education. The project will be implemented in a collaboratively in a cross-border and practice-based approach. Capacity building, dissemination, impact and sustainability are planned throughout the project, as well as targeted through training activities and multiplier events.

This project addresses three challenges:

– There is not enough attention given to the learning of students with special needs for specific subjects (e.g. history and citizenship), most of the research on special needs and inclusive education is general.

– The disciplinary and pedagogical apparatus in history and citizenship education do not usually equip teachers to teach diverse classes, including students with special needs.

– There is no specific platform for history and citizenship educators to share experience in teaching students with special needs and access relevant resources.

Profile of the participants:

Over 12.000+ participants, including educators, policy makers, civil society actors and researchers will participate in various degrees, with a core of 20 history and heritage educators working together to realise these aims.

Core activities of the project are:

  • The assessment of needs through surveys, focus groups and interviews.
  • The collection of practices in agreed format on how history and citizenship education is currently taught in practice to diverse classes, including students with special needs during school visits.
  • The collaborative development of inclusive educational resources that help students to think historically and acquire civic competences and testing of these resources in practices in diverse classes, including students with special needs.
  • Transnational project meetings to plan and monitor the project and share experiences with colleagues.
  • The organisation and implementation of multiplier events to disseminate the project results and build capacities.
  • The project explores a variety of methods and strategies that are now used in history and citizenship education (such as language-sensitive learning, collaborative learning, visual-oriented learning, scaffolding, making connections to personal experiences, and adapting to different learning styles) through training, peer-learning and collaborative work. Jointly developed learning resources will be tested in practices in diverse classes including those with students that have special needs.


Euroclio, Haag, Nizozemska – koordinator: www.euroclio.eu

Armenian Center for Democtratic Education – CIVITAS, Yerevan, Armenija: www.civitasarmenia.am

Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Centro, Coimbra, Portugalska: www.aecoimbracentro.pt

Zakladni skola a Materska skola Deblin okres Brno-venkov, Deblin, Češka republika: www.zs.deblin.cz

Norges teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu, Trondheim, Norveška: www.ntnu.no

Stichting hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nizozemska: www.hva.nl


Euroclio, Haag, Nizozemska – coordinator: www.euroclio.eu

Armenian Center for Democtratic Education – CIVITAS, Yerevan, Armenija: www.civitasarmenia.am

Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Centro, Coimbra, Portugalska: www.aecoimbracentro.pt

Zakladni skola a Materska skola Deblin okres Brno-venkov, Deblin, Češka republika: www.zs.deblin.cz

Norges teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu, Trondheim, Norveška: www.ntnu.no

Stichting hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nizozemska: www.hva.nl
